Jaime C. Hurtado, International Business Office Manager of Riverside County Business & Community Services hosts "How to Benefit from Foreign Trade Zones."
The U.S. Foreign Trade Zones (FTZ) program offers substantial financial and logistical advantages to U.S.-based manufacturers and distributors.
Distinguished panelists David Harlow, President & CEO of ITC-Diligence, Dr. Danielle Kelly, Executive Director at March Joint Powers Authority, Grantee of FTZ 244, Chris Futerer, Distribution Sales Manager at TSC America Inc., Karla Tapia, Sales Operation Manager at TSC America Inc. and Paul Smith, Economic Development Specialist and District International Trade Officer for the U.S. Small Business Administration discuss how to utilize FTZs.
Topics covered include how to take advantage of inverted tariffs, duty exemption on re-exports, duty elimination on waste, scrap and yield loss, savings on damaged or nonconforming items, weekly entry savings, duty deferral, zone-to-zone transfers, government and military sales, and ad valorem tax relief.